تم افتتاح موقع مجموعة هانى ابو الوفا لتشكيل المعادن وتجارة الحديد
تم افتتاح موقع مجموعة هانى ابو الوفا لتشكيل المعادن وتجارة الحديد

About Hani Abu Al Wafa Group

There is a long-established fact that the readable content of a page will distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text or the form of paragraphs on the page he reads. Therefore, the Lorem ipsum method is used because it gives a natural-to some extent-character distribution instead of using “here there is text content, here there is text content” making it look like readable text. Many desktop publishing and web page editing programs use the ipsum lorem as a default text template, and if you enter “lorem ipsum” in any search engine, many new sites will appear in the search results. Over the years, new and different versions of the text of Lorem Epsom have appeared, sometimes by chance, and sometimes intentionally by introducing some comic phrases. There is a long-established fact that the readable content of a page will distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text or the form of paragraphs on the page he...

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Our service excellence

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We market your properties (villas – Lands – groves) according to high professional standards, and through the sale of the team. We have familiar with the latest methods used in real estate marketing and all professional and professional, and communicate with a large number of customers...

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 our group implementation the financing and marketing of their projects on the local and international bands. The company offers its customers a precedent for subjective evidence of the level of implementation of projects for the company and its commitment to delivery schedules. The company also...

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We provide integrated services to the highest quality and the lowest cost of services relating to the business of Construction for the building and maintenance of ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, electrical maintenance, plumbing maintenance and general maintenance of the building, and...

Company News

Latest company news for 2018

Latest company news for 2018

This text is an example of text that can be replaced in the same space. This text is generated from the Arabic text generator, where you can generate such text or many other text as well as increase the number of characters generated by the application. If you need a larger number of paragraphs,...
Latest company news for 2017

Latest company news for 2017

This text is an example of the text may be replaced in the same space, we have been generating the text of the Arabic text generator, where you can generate such a text or many other texts in addition to increasing the number of letters generated by the application, if you need a larger number of...
Latest company news for 2016

Latest company news for 2016

This text is an example of the text may be replaced in the same space, we have been generating the text of the Arabic text generator, where you can generate such a text or many other texts in addition to increasing the number of letters generated by the application, if you need a larger number of...

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